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Today, we would like to tell you about our programme, developed by the specialists of FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, aimed at returning to a normal rhythm of life after suffering the coronavirus infection.

For anyone who has had COVID-19, even in its mild form, it is far from a secret that the body stops working as it should, and many notice the following changes:

♦ lungs - breathlessness, feeling of lack of air, chest pain;
♦ heart - chest tightness, palpitations, chest pain;
♦ gastrointestinal tract - intestinal dysbacteriosis, bowel problems, toxic liver damage;
♦ central nervous system - cognitive impairments (brain fog, loss of concentration, memory problems), headache, sleep disturbance, dizziness, lack of smell or its perversion;
♦ urinary system - kidney damage (autoimmune kidney disease).

The general condition can be described as weakness, lack of appetite, fatigue, changes in the condition of the skin and hair.

A rehabilitation programme at our Centre may include:

1. Examinations by doctors: physiotherapist, reflexologist, transfusiologist;
2. Low-intensity laser therapy (intravenous blood irradiation) - 10 treatment procedures;
3. Exposure with a halochamber for lower respiratory tract diseases - 8 treatment procedures;
4. Exposure to low-intensity laser radiation for upper respiratory tract diseases - 8 treatment procedures;
5. Exposure to magnetic fields - 8 treatment procedures;
6. Sinusoidal modulated currents (SMT) – 10 treatment procedures;
7. Gas baths (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen) – 10 treatment procedures;
8. Medical chest massage -10 sessions;
9. Reflexology for lower respiratory tract and pulmonary tissue diseases – 10 treatment procedures;
10. Manual therapy for lower respiratory tract and pulmonary tissue diseases – 10 treatment procedures;
11. Transcranial magnetic stimulation for olfactory disorders - 10 treatment procedures.

Our specialists will be happy to help your body get back to its former, "pre-COVID" state by tailoring an individual programme to suit each patient's needs!

There are contraindications! A specialist advice is required.
The services under this programme are provided on a fee-paying basis.

Make an appointment by telephone 8 (499) 277-01-17
Men's health (standard complex)
Men's health (standard complex)
This programme is developed by the specialists of FSBI “NMRC RB” for young and middle-aged men who have not been previously followed up by a urologist.

In order to monitor the urinary and reproductive system, we offer the "Men's Health - Standard" screening programme.

The programme includes:
- Initial appointment (examination, consultation) with a general practitioner;
- Initial appointment (examination, consultation) with a urologist;
- Second appointment (examination, consultation) with a urologist;
- Blood collection from a peripheral vein;
- Prostate-specific antigen free blood level (PSA free) (prostatic neoplasms marker);
- Prostate-specific antigen total (PSA total) (prostatic neoplasms marker);
- General therapeutic biochemical blood analysis;
- Transrectal ultrasound scan of the prostate gland.

Make an appointment for a consultation by phone: 8-499-277-01-17
32, Novy Arbat Street

There are contraindications! A specialist advice is required.
The services under this programme are provided on a fee-paying basis.

Men's health (standard complex)
Make an appointment by telephone 8 (499) 277-01-17

CHECK-UP after COVID-19: what is it and why is it so important after the Coronavirus infection?

“Post-COVID” symptoms that we have discussed in previous publications can occur either immediately or 2-3-4 months after the disease. These effects can be caused by:

♦ Inflammatory reactions;
♦ Thrombotic microangiopathy;
♦ Tissue hypoxia;
♦ Venous thromboembolism.

FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia offers a comprehensive check-up (check-up = examination) of the body quickly and in one place as part of the “CHECK-UP after COVID-19" programme.

The check-up includes:

1. Examination by a general practitioner;
2. Examination by a neurologist;
3. MRI scan of the head;
4. Ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs;
5. Ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland;
6. Electrocardiography, Echocardiography;
7. Tests: general blood count, blood chemistry, coagulogram, C-reactive protein, ferritin, lactate, T3 free, T4 free, TSH, TPOAb, antibodies to TSH receptors.

How does the patient benefit from the CHECK-UP?

The results of the examination provide you with a full diagnosis of your state of health after the disease, so that you can make a proper and effective plan for further care of your body.

Our experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have!

There are contraindications! A specialist advice is required.

The services under this programme are provided on a fee-paying basis.

Make an appointment by telephone 8 (499) 277-01-17